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portada A Year of Living Green: 365 Things you can do for Yourself and the Planet (en Inglés)
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Tapa Blanda

A Year of Living Green: 365 Things you can do for Yourself and the Planet (en Inglés)

Julie Fisher-Mcgarry (Autor) · Mango · Tapa Blanda

A Year of Living Green: 365 Things you can do for Yourself and the Planet (en Inglés) - Julie Fisher-Mcgarry

Libro Nuevo

22,70 €

23,90 €

Ahorras: 1,19 €

5% descuento
  • Estado: Nuevo
  • Quedan 35 unidades
Origen: Estados Unidos (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
Se enviará desde nuestra bodega entre el Martes 09 de Julio y el Viernes 26 de Julio.
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Reseña del libro "A Year of Living Green: 365 Things you can do for Yourself and the Planet (en Inglés)"

A Year of Living Green is a daily chronicle/journal by author Julie Fisher-McGarry to help keep your mind and heart open to all that lives. The book is a collection of nonreligious, yet deeply soulful suggestions for demonstrating concern, kindness, and consideration for nature and its animals. Organized by month, it includes tips on living green, where to purchase organic and fair-trade products, how to unplug from the grid, supporting local economies, nourishing the earth, and creating a sustainable lifestyle. Julie offers daily personal anecdotes, inspiring quotations, verses of poetry, simple vegetarian recipes, women’s health tips, environmental facts, and green thoughts. Most importantly A Year of Living Green meets you at your current lifestyle and helps you develop an eco-mindful and climate conscious mindset, creating positive change one day at a time.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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