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BTS Dictionary: Behind the Music and Beyond (en Inglés)
Kang, Maeng
Reseña del libro "BTS Dictionary: Behind the Music and Beyond (en Inglés)"
The BTS KPOP Dictionary "The BTS KPOP Dictionary" is a comprehensive guidebook that offers a straightforward approach to acquiring Korean vocabulary derived from Korean dramas, movies, and pop culture. This resource provides a distinctive compilation of commonly used Korean slang words and contemporary phrases not typically included in traditional Korean textbooks. The system will comprehensively explain the cultural context associated with the terms, facilitating a deeper understanding of its usage rationale. Key Features of this Book: Visualized Interconnection Between English and Korean, Comprehensive Coverage of the Most Popular Korean Words, In-depth Explanation and Biography of Each Member of BTS. Wouldn't it be remarkable if one could comprehend the dialogue of their beloved K-pop idol or the humor embedded within their preferred Korean drama on the Netflix platform? The purpose of How to Speak KPOP is to assist individuals in comprehending Korean vocabulary commonly used in pop culture without delving into extensive Korean grammar or traditional language textbook approaches. This book offers an enjoyable and accessible step-by-step approach to acquiring the most commonly used Korean vocabulary. Please select the "Buy Now" option to proceed with your purchase.