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Heaven Sequence (en Inglés)
Shahan, Eric ; Gichin, Funakoshi
Reseña del libro "Heaven Sequence (en Inglés)"
A translation of a 1941 poster titled 大日本空手道天之形All-Japan Karatedo Heaven Sequence showing fundamental Karate techniques. From the introduction, by Funakoshi Gichin (1868 1957): The All-Japan Karatedo Ten no Kata, Heaven Sequence, was developed from Karatedo techniques that were specifically selected for group practice and adjusted for beginners. Rest assured that this method is effective for solo training to develop the spirit and forge a strong body. Considering that this method requires no equipment, no space and very little time, it is ideally suited to the busy lives of modern people. I would very much like this method to be adopted widely. The Heaven Sequence is comprised of the following three sections: Tsuki no Kihon: Basic Strikes (1-4)Chudan Uke & Tsuki: Middle Blocks and Strikes (5-7)Jodan Uke Tsuki: Upper Blocks and Strikes (8-10)Kumite: Paired Training (1-6)