Marriage Go Round Workbook: Nine Steps to Improving Your Relationship and Rekindling Love in Your Life (en Inglés)
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The Marriage Go Round Workbook is a companion to the MGR therapist manual. This workbook contains pre and post assessments, an assessment for 32 different love expectations, handouts, worksheets and exercises for key areas of concern in most relationships. Some of the areas addressed in the workbook are, willingness to change, developing a positive focus, managing anger, past hurts and irritants, resolving conflict, forgiveness and reconciliation, how to emotionally reconnect and bond, commitment, the necessity of making your partner a priority, and becoming service oriented. The MGR Assessment covers 32 specific love expectations that couples often find to be important, e.g., communication, romance, trust, honesty, sexuality, personal space, respect, appreciation, finances, goals, non-sexual affection, emotional security, physical security, domestic support.