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Más Importante Que El Dinero. El Equipo de Un Emprendedor / More Important Than Money
Kiyosaki, Robert
Reseña del libro "Más Importante Que El Dinero. El Equipo de Un Emprendedor / More Important Than Money"
Deporte de equipo. Quién está en tu equipo?Aprende cómo construir tu equipo ganador con Robert, Kim y sus asesores más confiables. Muchas personas tienen ideas millonarias. Confían en que su nuevo producto, servicio o innovación los hará ricos. El problema? Muchas personas no saben cómo convertir su idea millonaria en millones de dólares. Conoce a los Asesores de Padre Rico de Robert y Kim... y aprende por qué están entre sus activos más valiosos: -Ken McElroy: Asesor en Bienes Raíces, Deuda y Recaudación de Capital-Blair Singer: Asesor en Ventas y Formación de Equipos-Garrett Sutton, Esq: Asesor en Protección Patrimonial y Planes de Negocios-Tom Wheelwright: CPA Asesor en Impuestos y Estrategias de Riqueza-Andy Tanner: Asesor en Activos de Papel-Josh y Lisa Lannon: Asesores en Emprendimiento Social ENGLISH DESCRIPTION What's more important than money? Seven entrepreneurs know this secret to success: it's the people you can trust and turn to for advice and guidance...the team you build to support your plans and goals and dreams. Many people have million dollar ideas. They're confident that their new product or service or innovation will make them rich and that all their dreams will come true. The problem is: Most people don't know how to turn their million-dollar idea into millions of dollars. According to many social scientists, the most important thing in life is a person's social and professional network. In other words, the people around us --our associates, our team, our friends. The people we surround ourselves with --and the people we go to for advice and guidance-- can mean the difference between success and failure. And as he taught in Rich Dad Poor Dad, if the people around you have a poor person's mindset, it's likely that you'll be, or stay, poor. Your team, in life and in business, will determine if your million-dollar idea will give you a million-dollar payday. In More Important Than Money, Robert Kiyosaki teams up with his most trusted Advisors who contribute not only chapters on the strengths and talents they bring to the team, but offer candid and insightful individual Profiles and excerpts from each of the 14 Rich Dad Advisor series books. Listeners will meet all of Robert's Rich Dad Advisors and learn why they are among his most valuable assets.
Opiniones del libro
Mauro Labra BerriosMiércoles 03 de Mayo, 2023
Compra Verificada
Llegaron todos los libros bien. Éste aún no lo leo, pero se que es bueno por las críticas que he visto.